* Shared memory.
* @module memory
* @license Apache-2.0
* @copyright Mat. 2018-present
import type { JSAnyObj } from "@xcmats/js-toolbox/type";
import { identity, lazyish } from "@xcmats/js-toolbox/func";
import { assign } from "@xcmats/js-toolbox/struct";
* Application logic shared memory structure.
* @private
* @function memory
* @returns memory object
const memory = lazyish<JSAnyObj>({});
* Invoke function argument with a reference to shared memory.
* @function useMemory
* @param f function to invoke on a shared memory
* @returns {*}
export function useMemory<T extends JSAnyObj> (f: (x: T) => T = identity): T {
return f(memory() as T);
* Extend shared memory with keys from provided extension object.
* It throws when shared memory already have those keys.
* @function share
* @param ext extension object
* @returns extended memory object
export function share<T extends JSAnyObj> (ext: T): T {
return useMemory((ctx) => assign(ctx, ext));