* Data structure manipulation tools.
* @module struct
* @license Apache-2.0
* @copyright Mat. 2018-present
import { access } from "../struct/data";
import { choose } from "../func/choice";
import { Y } from "../func/combinators";
import { empty } from "../string/consts";
import { isArray, isFunction, isObject } from "../type/check";
import { btquote } from "../utils/misc";
* Construct function appropriate to use as the `children` argument
* in the `struct.dfs` function. Use it with `struct.dfs` to
* enumerate on any javascript object.
* @function hashAccessor
* @see {@link module:struct~dfs}
* @returns {Function}
export const hashAccessor = () =>
n => choose(
[isObject(n), isArray(n)].map(v => v ? 1 : 0).join(empty()), {
"10": () => Object.keys(n).map(k => [n[k], [k]]),
"01": () => n.map((v, i) => [v, [i]]),
}, () => [],
* Construct function appropriate to use as the `children` argument
* in the `struct.dfs` function. Use it with `struct.dfs` if your
* tree-like structure contains children organized as arrays.
* E.g. if a `node` is defined as follows:
* ```
* node = { val: "something", props: { num: 14, ch: [node1, node2] } }
* ```
* then `keyAccessor` should be defined in this way:
* ```
* keyAccessor("props", "ch")
* ```
* `keyAccessor` called without arguments (`keyAccessor()`) returns
* `hashAccessor`.
* @function keyAccessor
* @see {@link module:struct~dfs}
* @see {@link module:struct~hashAccessor}
* @param {...(Number|String)} path A path leading from the `node`
* to the `children` array.
* @returns {Function}
export const keyAccessor = (...path) =>
path.length > 0 ?
n => access(n, path, []).map((c, i) => [c, [...path, i]]) :
* Depth-first search. Executes certain operation `f`
* on each `tree` node in reduce-like fashion, accumulating
* intermediate results.
* @function dfs
* @see {@link module:struct~keyAccessor}
* @param {Object} tree Tree-like structure.
* @param {Function} f Function to be executed on each node.
* Its signature is as follows: `function (accs, node, path, position)`,
* where:
* <ul>
* <li>`accs` - array of accumulated results,
* for each subtree of current `node`</li>
* <li>`node` - reference to current node</li>
* <li>`path` - current `node` is reachable by applying
* `struct.access` to `tree` and `path`</li>
* <li>`position` - position of currently processed node
* in an array of children (current node is "position-th"
* child of its parent)</li>
* </ul>
* @param {Function} [children] Function that should accept `node` and return
* array of `n` tuples. In each tuple first element should be the `n`-th
* `child` of the `node` and second element should be the `path` leading
* from the `node` to the `n`-th `child`. If there is no children
* under given `node` then returned array should be empty.
* @returns {any} Accumulated result for all subtree nodes.
export const dfs = (
tree = {},
f = (_accs, node, _path, _position) => node,
children = keyAccessor(),
) => {
if (
!isObject(tree) || !isFunction(f) || !isFunction(children)
) throw new TypeError(
"struct.dfs() expected object and 2 functions, " +
`got ${btquote(tree)}, ${btquote(f)} and ${btquote(children)}`,
return Y(aux =>
(node, path, position) => f(
([child, childPath], p) =>
aux(child, path.concat(childPath), p),
), node, path, position,
) (tree, [], 0);